A Journey to Remember:
Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence
In search for our Divine Life Purpose we find the Peace
Our lack of COMPASSION is blinding usWhen I was a child I would place a brown paper bag over my head, (and not cut eye holes), and then totter around the garden to try to understand what it might be like to be blind. Here is an excerpt from my book - A Journey to Remember ... "...the resiliency of childhood embraces the acts of unusual and fortunately I was Blessed with my own entourage of Angels protecting me as I balanced on jaggered rocks with a paper bag on my head. (How else would I know what it must be like to be blind?) I fell into, onto, over, on top of, between, amongst every obstacle I encountered and my hair hides a golf ball skull, trophies of my persistent curiosity and lack of “sense”. I want to say to everyone I meet that it is okay to feel. To be real in all experiences. Weep until your nose swells and your eyes pop like a frog, laugh until your belly aches, rage until you are exhausted. We are allowed to feel and we must experience the depth of what we are encountering. To shut down, diminish,anesthetize, ridicule or hide our true nature is the most absurd notion that has somehow established itself in our psyche. We rush to hush someone who is crying, offer medication and drugs to forget the pain, dull the pain physically, emotionally and mentally. We are allowing ourselves to detach from our reality and this separation is disconnecting us from our Awareness..."
Our Life Journey experiences urge us to Awaken as we remember why we are here. In this video the extreme experience of my Dad, Ted Horn is shared as a metaphor for the way we can release the struggle and find deep inner peace. Customer Review for Amazon books
Joy reviews the basics and reminds us of our origin ..., September 28, 2014 By Ron J Sarkin This review is from: A Journey to Remember: Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence (Paperback) Not merely another spiritual book but one with practical steps to achieve what so many of us either do not realize or have lost, namely our individual Spiritual Magnificence. Joy reviews the basics and reminds us of our origin with the gift of a soul being a reflection of the miraculous vastness of God. Yet we forget our Source which then diminishes the Greatness of who we really are. Joy’s intuitive abilities have given her and now us through her book, practical steps for us to evaluate this heritage and in particular any negative traits handed down from parent to child for generations that need to be broken. Once we cut the cords of these legacies we become free to recover and re-discover our personal Magnificence. In the book are down-to-earth steps to identify what these are and how to then free oneself from those aspects of our inheritance that have been suppressing or holding us back from becoming the Splendid beings we actually are. When we remember who we are and find the time to be still, we can hear our Life Purpose sing out to us.
This is not the racing around energy of finding validation and success in terms of our human understanding - rather this is the call that sits deep within us, yearning for our unique Inner Light to shine into the world. That which we allow to be hidden and buried in our psyche, begins to weigh us down and suppress the joy of this Life Journey.
Sharing some ideas about releasing the painful burdens we carry as we begin to understand why they are showing up. Some insight shared about the Awareness of our Beings in Transition and how to make the Inner adjustments to manage this new Energy. In counseling and energy work, Joy Truscott works to assist those who are finding themselves in a state of being that often seems confusing and depressing. The way in which we interpret this is vital to our sense of well-being. In this short clip the concept of Healing and our attitude towards receiving this Gift is shared. These thoughts inspired by the Healing offered by my friends at St Thomas Methodist Church in Plettenberg Bay - Pastor Colleen Stringer, Gill Wolfaardt and Dawn Pearce and then by visiting Evangelists Johnny Louw and Jacques Malan. You are Divinely and Uniquely Encoded Within for your MAGNIFICENCE
Listening to the Nudges If we could tell the story that is yearning to be told and then be brave enough to send it "out there", then we have indeed made an effort to show up in an accountable manner. Why me? The answer came clearly one day as I was imagining that I could be brave enough to be all I am intended to be.
The question - WHY ME? still resonating in my ears was followed by a swift - IF NOT YOU THEN WHO? For a long time I considered this. Certainly there are those who are more eloquent, more studied and more wise but the nudge had come to me and I needed to Honour the fact that there was something I could say that was unique to my Life view and understanding. The hardship in just Allowing what was absolutely tied up in my sense of self and the world which has shaped and moulded me. Through school I sat quietly gazing out of the window and partially followed the teaching. My struggle with words and reading was a factor that created much amusement and embarrassment for me. I could pick up a newspaper and read the headline, creating a whole new sentence which did not even remotely match the printed word. My eyes would select a word from random spots and then string them together. Reading aloud in front of the class was a nightmare for me and throughout my schooling I suffered with terrible abdominal pains and headaches. My little sister read all the significant novels to me and to Lynda I am forever grateful that she so lovingly spent hours reading to me, keeping the love of words and imagination alive in my mind. At the age of four when Lynda began her reading career she informed the family that she would read every book in our library and the Bible twice. This precious little person, just two years younger seemed to have her sense of self securely in place. |
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