A Journey to Remember:
Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence
In search for our Divine Life Purpose we find the Peace
Customer Review for Amazon books
Joy reviews the basics and reminds us of our origin ..., September 28, 2014 By Ron J Sarkin This review is from: A Journey to Remember: Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence (Paperback) Not merely another spiritual book but one with practical steps to achieve what so many of us either do not realize or have lost, namely our individual Spiritual Magnificence. Joy reviews the basics and reminds us of our origin with the gift of a soul being a reflection of the miraculous vastness of God. Yet we forget our Source which then diminishes the Greatness of who we really are. Joy’s intuitive abilities have given her and now us through her book, practical steps for us to evaluate this heritage and in particular any negative traits handed down from parent to child for generations that need to be broken. Once we cut the cords of these legacies we become free to recover and re-discover our personal Magnificence. In the book are down-to-earth steps to identify what these are and how to then free oneself from those aspects of our inheritance that have been suppressing or holding us back from becoming the Splendid beings we actually are.
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